Sunday, May 27, 2012

Done with the Crud

I would like to take this opportunity to officially say that my household is done being sick.  I realize that this might not last longer than a week, but at this point, all of the little ones are well, and I on quickly getting there myself.  So, yes, I was the last one sick.  I apologize to my 2 followers for not posting this past week.  I have managed to post through most of the kids' illnesses, but mine took my out of blogging.  I finished some projects while coming down with the crud, but completely forgot about nice little things like pictures.  I have some things to get caught up on at the house (Hello, laundry!) and then I will try to get something posted!
On a much happier note, I got to be at a beautiful baptism today.  The sweet baby wore the dress that her mom and grandmother were baptized in.  She looked around the church and was quite happy.  Baptisms are so happy and full of promise.  I love being invited to attend!
And, the twins lasted almost all of the service in the nursery at a church that they had never been to before!  We made it to the car before the screaming started.  Apparently, they only then realized that it was past their lunchtime and working into naptime.  :-)

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