Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Even Braces are a Reason to Sew

W got the beginnings of his orthodontic stuff two weeks ago...  four brackets and headgear.  Not only lacking in fun, this creates a lifestyle change for us.  He has a  list of forbidden foods, and he has to put much more energy into keeping his teeth clean.  The orthodontist gave him a plastic bag thingy to keep his flossing/brushing/wax gear in, but it was not very inspiring.  So, I made him a bag.  It looks kind of like a clutch for a skater from the outside.  He picked the fabric from the stash.

And, on the inside, it has four big pockets and space for his headgear.

He liked it!  And now, he has a bag that he can grab when he goes anywhere and might need to get his teeth clean!

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